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Terms of Use 



Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use without notice and any modifications are effective when they are posted here. Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems may, at any time, at its discretion terminate your access to this Web site. Access to the Web site may be monitored by Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems If you are accessing this Web site as a representative of an organization, these Terms of Use bind both you individually and the organization, and references to "you" and "your" shall be construed to apply to you individually and the organization.


While Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems maintains copyright protection in all materials, information, and publications (collectively, "Web site information") it places on this Web site, Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems consents to normal downloading, copying, and distribution of the information for non-commercial purposes by you or within your organization only. In consideration of this consent, you agree that copies of the Web site information will retain all copyright and other proprietary notices and that you will not modify the Web site information in any way. Except where your use constitutes "fair use" under copyright law, you may not otherwise use, download, upload, copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, or distribute any Web site information, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems.


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Kadence Automation & Robotic Systems makes no representations or promises to develop, provide, or market any software, service, or product discussed on this Website, and you shall not rely on the information provided or the prospect of availability of any software, service, or product currently in development or currently anticipated to be made available in the future.


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