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Global-Local Fusion: Affordable Automation for Atmanirbhar Bharat 

Kadence Systems, 28th September 2023

In the pursuit of self-reliance and economic empowerment, India has embarked on the ambitious journey of Atmanirbhar Bharat, which translates to "Self-Reliant India." At the heart of this vision lies the need for affordable automation solutions that can transform Indian industries and make them globally competitive.
The contribution of the automotive industry in a country’s GDP has increased in recent years and thus the sector plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of a country. Not only this, the automotive industry is capital and knowledge-intensive.

In this blog post, let us explore the concept of "Design to Value" as a pivotal approach that brings together global innovation and local adaptation to drive affordable automation, aligning perfectly with India's quest for self-reliance.

In India, automation has the power to revolutionize industries, enhancing productivity, quality, and efficiency. However, one key factor remains. It is the challenge associated with the high initial costs of automation technologies. Our nation requires automation solutions that are not only technologically cutting edge but also economically viable if it is to attain self-reliance and foster industrial progress.

I believe “Design to Value” (DTV) will bridge the gap between global innovation and domestic needs. It is an approach that reconciles the need for cutting-edge technology with the need for affordability. It comprises developing goods and services that maximize customer value while minimizing expenses.

In the context of affordable automation, DTV entails a two-fold approach:

Firstly, Global Innovation. India can draw from the global pool of automation technologies, leveraging innovations from advanced economies. By partnering with global technology providers, Indian industries gain access to state-of-the-art automation solutions.

Secondly, Local Adaptation. While bringing in technology is advantageous, it must also be tailored to meet regional needs. Local adaptation takes into account elements like worker potential, infrastructure limitations, and particular business requirements.

Collaboration among key stakeholders is pivotal in driving affordable automation solutions in India. Global technology providers have a crucial role to play, sharing their expertise and advanced technologies with Indian partners while actively assisting in the customization of solutions to address local challenges. Indian industries must actively engage in co-creation processes by articulating their distinct needs and challenges, ensuring that automation solutions are finely tuned to local conditions.

Concurrently, government initiatives are essential facilitators; they can encourage collaboration through policies supporting technology transfer and R&D investments, and provide incentives for the widespread adoption of automation technologies, expediting progress toward self-reliance and economic empowerment.
Moreover, the government can actively encourage collaboration between global technology providers, Indian industries, and research institutions by formulating policies that facilitate the transfer of cutting-edge technology and expertise. Such technology transfer initiatives not only ensure the infusion of the latest automation advancements into the Indian ecosystem but also promote knowledge sharing and skill development.

Furthermore, the government can also provide tangible incentives for the widespread adoption of automation technologies across industries. By offering financial incentives, reduced taxes, or other benefits to businesses that invest in automation, the government can expedite progress in automating various sectors of the economy. This not only drives economic growth but also empowers businesses to become more competitive on the global stage, aligning perfectly with the aspirations of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

I believe the path to Atmanirbhar Bharat in automation lies in the fusion of global innovation and local adaptation through the Design to Value approach. By leveraging the best of both worlds, India can not only realize affordable automation but also position itself as a global player in the automation industry. As this vision unfolds, self-reliance will be achieved, and India's industries will stand proudly on the global stage, empowered by innovative, cost-effective, and tailored automation solutions.

First, the acquisition of skilled human capital is vital for effectively utilizing automation technologies, particularly in sectors like engineering. Additionally, the influence of the global labor market on recruitment patterns and job opportunities emphasizes the need for Indian industries to adapt globally while considering local conditions.

My second point, is the ongoing digitalization and increased flexibility in employment relationships are pivotal considerations, given their close connection to automation. Furthermore, India's substantial cost advantage, with significantly lower hourly labor costs compared to industrialized nations, highlights the potential for cost-effective automation solutions, aligning seamlessly with the objectives of Atmanirbhar Bharat and self-reliance through automation.

With government initiatives like the ‘Make in India’ program setting the country on its course to become a global manufacturing hub and boosting the Indian economy, automation will be key to counter uncertainties like lockdowns and labor shortages and make industries more agile and future-ready.

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